4 mins read

Last Updated on February 9, 2025

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We all get sick once in a while if not all the time. When we do get sick, we go to a doctor and we get prescriptions. We take that prescription to the pharmacy to buy the medicine.

Now, you don’t have to worry about all of these things. If you are afraid of seeing a doctor, don’t worry, you will realize you don’t need to visit one.

What do you get from a doctor if not prescriptions? What do you need prescriptions for if you can obtain drugs without them? So, your life will be much simpler once you realize that It is the drugs or medicines you want more than a Doctor or prescriptions.

Without a doctor or prescriptions, think about all the money and time you can save by avoiding trips to the pharmacy and purchasing medications.

Hard Scientific Evidence

Next, the question is where do you get the drugs from if you don’t have prescriptions or a pharmacy for that matter?

This couldn’t have been said more clearly by anyone other than the head of IIT. Here is his statement

Therefore, the gomiyam (cow urine) has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and digestive properties, and it is useful as a medicine for conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.”

By now, you must be thinking. “Well, I don’t know whether a cow is a good replacement for Doctors and Pharmacy. I can understand your sentiment.

Allow me to alleviate your residual concerns by presenting the strongest form of evidence ever existed: An anecdotal evidence cited by the same person, the head of IIT.

An ascetic was having a high fever and was thinking of calling a doctor. I forgot the sanyasi’s name, but he said ‘Gomuthran pinami’. He then immediately drank cow urine, and in 15 minutes, his fever subsided.”

Now, I am sure you cannot still be unconvinced about how a cow can be a doctor as well as a pharmacist and pharmacy. So, stop buying the insurance policy that doesn’t cover anything and start looking to buy a cow.

Okay, did you ask…..what kind of cow? Finally, a question that makes sense.

You don’t want to go out there and buy the first cow you see in the market. I think…… you guessed it. Of course, you should wait and see for yourself whether the cow is able to urinate. This is the first thing you need to make sure of.

Another thing you don’t want to miss out on the deal is whether a cow is able to produce cow dung or not. This is very important because this along with cow urine, Cow’s milk, Curd (like yogurt), and Ghee (clarified butter) is what makes up what is known as Panchagavya. So, preferably, a cow that produces milk along with urine and dung.

Panchagavya, as you guessed it, the name is a combination of two words Pancha meaning Five, and Gavya meaning Cow-derived.

Panchagavya can be prepared by mixing the five components in specific proportions, often with the addition of herbs or other natural ingredients to enhance its medicinal properties.

Virtues of Panchagavya go behind merely being Panacean. Panchagavya has been mentioned in various ancient texts, including the Purāṇas. It is often used in rituals and has been valued for its contributions to health, agriculture, and spiritual practices. It is believed to have purifying properties, both physically and spiritually.

It can not only cure your physical illness, but also spiritual ones. Can modern medicine do this?


The Doctors Association for Social Equality (DASE) has sharply criticised Kamakoti and said that cow urine cannot cure any disease. It said Kamakoti’s prescription could do harm and even cause death if people with fever, a common occurrence, followed it”

Of course, common sense tells us this is what we can expect from doctors. If I were a doctor, I would do the same because cows are competition to doctors. You want to suppress competition as much as you can even if it means smearing someone’s name.

Another criticism:

“Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) on Tuesday said that cow urine is not appropriate for direct human consumption as it contains potentially harmful bacteria.”

According to reports, the study was carried out by the ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute in Bareilly (IVRI). At least 14 types of dangerous bacteria were discovered in cow and bulls’ urine samples,including the Escherichia coli bacterium, which is usually connected with stomach diseases in people.”

Listening to critics, you can’t help but wonder, “Holy cow! Why can’t all these critics stay silent and be as productive as cows are, you know, with their urine”.

By off-chance, If you ever find this perfect cow that can totally replace a doctor, a pharmacist, and a pharmacy, then it will look this:

If your cow doesn’t look like this, don’t lose hope. Keep searching, you will find it one day.

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